About Impala Network
We believe in collaboration rather than competition

The Impala Network was established in August 2016 starting as a coworking space and has since grown into a creative ecosystem builder that offers entrepreneurship solutions and cares deeply about impacting the community.
By consistently improving the quality of human resources in Central Java Province, we realize that impact is not always limited to space.
In 2020, we changed the name from Impala Space to Impala Network – which means more emphasis on humans as the main object.
In all of its activities, Impala Network strives to generate value for its team members, and stakeholders, as well as entrepreneur and creative ecosystems. Since the beginning of the journey, Impala Network has investing a lot of value through program creation.
Throughout its journey, Impala Network has discovered that in order to be sustainable, it has to embrace the social impact driven activities and implement them. Today and in the future, Impala Network strives to create positive impacts through its business.

Our Commitment
Through our program and network, we increase the number of youth and adults who have relevant skills, including technical and vocational skills, for employment, decent jobs and entrepreneurship
We promote development-oriented programs that supports productive activities and help entrepreneurs to achieve full and productive employment and decent work for all women and men, including for young people and persons with disabilities.
Working together with universities, industries, and communities, we enhance scientific research to upgrade the technological capabilities of industrial sectors and encouraging innovation between stakeholders.
We encourage and promote effective public, public-private civil society partnerships, building on the experience and resourcing strategies of partnerships, as it has done with Central Java Province.
Meet Our Team
Gatot Hendraputra
Managing Director
Khaleed Hadi Pranowo
Khaleed Hadi Pranowo
Muhammad Pradytio Nugroho
Co-Director of Business and Program
Emir Hartri Putra
Co-Director of Business and Program
Bagas Atmawan
Director of General Affairs
Dewi Septiani
Finance, Administration, and General Secretary Manager
Agung Pambudi
SME and Government Manager
Dyandra Raihan Shabira
Talent and PR Manager
Agung Sulistyo
General Business Manager
Shinta Arum
Hetero Space Semarang Manager
Haren Tambi
Hetero Space Solo Manager
Yusril Athiya Al Ulya Zamil
Creative and Art Manager
Agnia Nurbita
Talent and PR Associate
Moosa Pramasywara
Senior Associate
Team Narrative